Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Paying for stormwater infrastructure

Stormwater management is a core municipal service. Without stormwater sewers, our roads and basements would flood after every rainfall and snowmelt. Without the associated infrastructure to decontaminate road run-off, we would poison our waterways.  The purpose of property taxes is to pay for core services such as stormwater management. Therefore, there is no reason for the maintenance and replacement of existing infrastructure to not be covered by existing property taxes. 

Development charges should fully cover new infrastructure: after all, the need is being created by the construction and sale of new buildings for a profit.

Reducing the volume and improving the quality of stormwater run-off is an essential part of the equation.  I would like the City to reward property owners that take steps to reduce their contribution to stormwater volume and by doing so, are helping to reduce the City's stormwater management costs. Examples provided by the City include the disconnection of downspouts, the creation of a rain garden, and the installation of permeable pavers. Incentives to look into include a rebate on the purchase of such items (similar to the Royal Flush program), and a property tax rebate.