Monday, June 23, 2014

Standing for Council

I'm excited to announce that I registered my candidacy for Councillor in Ward 1 in the City of Guelph earlier today.

Here's my Media Release:

Karolyne Pickett announces candidacy for City Council

June 23, 2014

Guelph, ON - Karolyne Pickett registered her candidacy for Councillor in Ward 1 in the City of Guelph earlier today.

Ms. Pickett stood for Guelph City Council in the 2010 municipal elections, coming in fourth out of eleven candidates.

Ms. Pickett spoke to over a thousand Ward 1 residents in 2010, and says the issues that spurred her to stand for Council then are still dogging the City in 2014.

A top concern remains the lack of commercial services east of Victoria Road, which wouldn’t have happened if the east end featured mixed-use zoning. “Commercial services should be part of every residential area, because a walkable neighbourhood is a vibrant neighbourhood”, says Ms. Pickett. “We need whatever commercial land is left in the east end.”

Public transit is another of Ms. Pickett’s priorities. “It’s very disappointing that the implementation of increased peak bus service failed”, she says. “People need to get to work efficiently if we are to increase ridership.” Ms. Pickett would like to see additional GO train services, and will work hard with other governments to improve transit connectivity with surrounding municipalities.

In 2010, Ms. Pickett was shocked by the municipal budget shortfall, and deplored the cancellation of bus services to address it. To her dismay, history is repeating itself in 2014. “Council needs to better plan for unforeseen expenditures.”

To reduce reliance on municipal taxes, Ms. Pickett is keen to explore new ways to generate revenue for the City, such as renting roof space to solar energy providers. “I’m excited at the prospect of soliciting creative ideas from my fellow Guelphites. My overarching priority as a Councillor will be to seek meaningful input from my constituents.”