Why I’m standing for Council- Ward 1 Karolyne
I am standing for Council because I want Ward 1 to have an inclusive, proactive councillor.
I think that residents should have the opportunity to provide
meaningful input on proposals right from the start. I think it's a councillor's
job to seek residents’ opinions proactively, not just field complaints. How can
councillors represent their constituents unless they ask for their ideas on an
on-going basis? As councillor I will ask my constituents about their views
before I make a decision. I've already started to do just that. Residents
I've talked to are forthcoming with their concerns and suggestions; they
deserve a councillor that will make the effort to ask.
I’m standing for Council because I believe I have the knowledge
and skills to be competent at the job.
I have ten years of experience working in the public
service, so I understand how government works. I understand the difference
between the role of public servants and politicians. I have five years of
experience working with legislation that municipal councillors ought to be
fully familiar with in order to make intelligent decisions. I have the necessary knowledge to analyze
planning and zoning issues faced by the City in a smart and informed manner. I
have experience synthesizing the social, financial and environmental
considerations that factor into political decision-making. I have experience
managing public finances. Finally, I share Guelph residents’ environmental values and know what
should and shouldn’t go ahead in order to protect our environment.
I’m standing for Council because I have a vision on how to
turn the East End into a vibrant neighbourhood, and ensure that the Ward
maintains its character.
I invite my fellow Ward 1 residents to discover my ideas and
find out more about my qualifications by visiting my website:
The link to my post is here: http://wp.me/p4mhMi-ig