Wednesday, October 8, 2014

What Ward 1 is lacking

Answers from Ward 1 candidates to a series of questions asked by the Guelph Mercury's Managing Editor were published in today's paper. For all questions except one, the length of the answer was limited to 450 characters, spaces included. For those of you that will have missed them, I'll be posting my answers one by one over the next couple of weeks. Today I've chosen to post my answer to this question:

What is your ward lacking that the next term of council needs to deliver? 

Shops and businesses within walking distance of residential neighbourhoods. Traffic calming measures, crosswalks, traffic lights and bike lanes to create safer streets. Timely snowploughing and maintenance of parks. Upgrades to play structures for kids and teenagers.  A splash pad in the East End. An improved bus system. None of these are pricey items yet they will go a long way towards improving the lives of Ward 1 residents.